With origins in the late 19th century, the service of Nine Lessons and Carols is most often associated with King's College in Cambridge where the tradtion has been kept alive since 1918 during the first World War.
Not a mass, the service begins with the hymn Once in Royal David's City after which we pray together before the reading of nine Lessons, which are from the Books of Genesis, the Prophet Isaiah, and the Gospels according to Saint John, Saint Luke, and Saint Matthew.
Between each lesson an appropriate carol or hymn is sung. This invites the congregation to particpate during the hymns and to contemplate the mystery of the incarnation.
You can look forward to singing Angels We Have Heard on High, Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming, Silent Night, and Go Tell it on the Mountain. The choir will share with us the beauty of The Three Kings, Past Three a' clock, O Thou the Central Orb, Jesus Christ the Apple Tree and more.
The historic 1931 Kilgen organ will support and inspire everyone to worship on this most special evening before Christmas. Specifications of the organ can be found here.