Two Special Downtown NYC Churches for Weddings
Our two parish locations are unique. If you are planning a large wedding, the very first Catholic parish in New York, St. Peter's Church, a historical landmark building, possesses a stunning grandeur and can accomodate a large wedding party and hundreds of guests. If you want to be married in a more intimate church setting, Our lady of Victory -off Wall Street- is a wonderful New York location in the Financial District.
Our pastor, Father Jarlath Quinn, will assist you in arranging your preparation for marriage and help coordinate your wedding ceremony plans. We perform weddings for non-parishioners, provided that they are free to marry according to the norms of the Catholic Church.
Christian Vision of Marriage
In our Church tradition, marriage is much more than a human contract. It is a solemn covenant and a Christian vocation. The Christian family springs from a sacramental marriage as a reflection of the loving covenant uniting Christ with the Church. Firmly established in the Lord, the unity of marriage will radiate from the equal personal dignity of wife and husband, a dignity acknowledged by their mutual and total love. This love will manifest to all people the Savior's living presence in the world, and the genuine nature of the Church. This is realized in the Christian family by generous fruitfulness, solidarity and faithfulness, and the loving way in which all the members of the family work together.
Planning Your Wedding Ceremony
In order that sufficient time be given for a proper preparation for the very special sacrament of marriage, the Archdiocese of New York requests that engaged couples allow at least six months between the initial arrangements and the actual ceremony. Please contact Maiwenn by email at to begin the planning process. An initial meeting in person, is required for all wedding requests.